Friday, 8 April 2011


A lot of things happened throughout this week. So many that I am kind of blur. Did a number of things that I never expect myself to do. Feel tired with the non-stop tests, quizzes, speeches and presentations. Now, the end is nigh. March came and went, like how the spring semester came and will be gone soon. Part of me is glad that the sem is ending, a large portion of me wishes that the semester will restart. Time is passing fast. Too fast I will say. It seems like I just went through a time machine, blinking on the 1st of January and appearing in the middle of April. Learned a lot this sem. Slept a little. Transformed a lot, emo a bit. Ate non-stop, weight remains constant. Somewhere in March I took a picture that looks like this.

Someone said that I ponder too much sometimes. I guess what she said is true. Now and then, I think my life is like one of the leaves in the picture. Dried. With a black and white background. But the amazing thing is that my life has been random, as if I were constantly blown to different places by the wind. I mean, people step in and out of my life. What is left is just the memory. One day if my brain is damaged, what will happen to those memory? Fade into nothingness? Blur. Life is too complicated sometimes. Sigh...

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