Thursday, 24 November 2011

Of the Sky, Again

Found my interest in taking the pictures of the sky, decreasing. Maybe I have seen too many versions of beautiful skies, until an extent that when the sky is looking ordinary, taking pictures of it becomes boring to me. Plus the fact that it has been raining a lot lately, there are not many days when the sky is clear and the sun is bright. Sigh..sunset oh sunset...

Finding something interesting to do. If possible, something not associated with laptops. Have been in touch with laptops too much. Feel like driving to somewhere far. But there is no people to accompany me. Driving alone to a faraway place can be boring sometimes. Can someone teach me what to do to fill my free time? I am tired of writing essays. Really tired.

I feel like playing badminton. But again, there is no one to play with. Futsal? No news. there anything I can do apart from dota, essays, photos, and limteh? Maybe I really should go and make myself a kite.

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