Friday, 25 January 2013

Late Night Blogging

Life, is hard. Life, is an experience. Nothing happens for no reason; this I realized as I slowly grew up. Be it success or failure, up or down, it happens with a purpose, and once you realize the purpose, that's the moment when you lift your hands up and give thanks for everything that has happened.

I grew up, a cheerful, naughty, carefree boy. Somehow things changed, and I, I changed. From that naive little boy to a sentimental, emotional young man. It's weird I know, but that's who I am today, at this moment, and I don't see the point of hiding my personality, my identity. Some might like it, some might loathe it, some might find it interesting, some might find it disgusting; I don't really care. This is who I am, accept me, or leave me. Simple, not complicated.

Certain things in my life have taken a toll on me. Yet certain people in my life have helped me to pick myself up and carry on. And recently, I realized one of my greatest weaknesses, is that I attach my feelings easily. And although a man I am, I feel insecure easily. I can never be too close with a girl without developing feelings for her. In fact, I realized most guys are in a similar situation. It's a struggle, yes it's hard. Not long ago, the pastor in my church talked about honoring the sisters in church, of how we as brothers should treat them. Accountability is a big thing in my church, and I have been reminded more than twice about the mistakes that I have made here and there. I would say that in this case, accountability plays a really big role in correcting myself and keeping myself on the right path.

Always, it's difficult to accept certain things and take them as experiences. It's always easy to complaint, to lament, to indulge in self-pity and pushing oneself down the deepest pit hole in one's life. Yet there are people out there who care. And as I pick myself up again and again, I realize the changes that take place on myself  after every fall. I am forced to conclude that, God breaks us for a reason - to make us stronger and better, to teach us to put hope in Him instead of man, and to give the glory to him no matter what circumstances we might be in.

God I might be weak, but You are strong. God I might be a nobody, but God, You are God. In You I find peace, through You I can do anything. In You I see hope, through You I embrace sufferings. Break me. Shape me. Let the metamorphosis that takes place on me transform me from inside out, and may I be the light and salt on this earth, to bring glory to you, forever and amen.

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? ~Romans 8:31

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